Delivery Information

  • All orders should strictly be made through our website and whatsapp only!
  • We do not offer same day or emergency delivery.
  • Processing & Delivery for all confirmed skincare product orders is 6 – 8 business days (excluding weekends and holidays).
  • If you select Postnet or Pep Store delivery, kindly state which store your order should be sent to in the notes tab.
  • Orders placed on Friday will only be processed on Tuesday.
  • Delivery for all paid wholesale orders is 7-14 business days.
  • All orders will only be dispatched once payment reflects into our accounts.
  • Only card payments, EFT & Direct Deposits are allowed for payment of orders.
  • Always double check that all delivery information is correct before confirming your order.
  • Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a waybill number to track your parcel. Kindly use that number to check where your parcel is.
  • For INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, You are responsible for all broker fees, duty taxes associated with your order. Kindly note that these charges are not calculated at the time of your purchase you will be charged once your order arrives. Kindly find out which ingredients or items are allowed in your country before making a purchase as we will not refund orders rejected by customs in your country. If an order is returned for any reason, we will not refund courier fee and will take courier fee from the value of your order before refunding as well as any money to recover any damages caused.
  • If you have any questions regarding your order or delivery details kindly send us an email at

Contact Information

Diamond Pearl RSA


+2774 764 3352

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